
Premium Package

Features of the Package

  • 10 Hours of One-on-One In Car Training Sessions

What You Get in In-Vehicle Lessons ?


Session 1



Ø  Car Familiarization

Ø  Seating position and seat adjustments

Ø  Mirror adjustment

Ø  Dashboard familiarization Cockpit controls

Ø  Pedal familiarization

10-15 min

Ø  Parking Lot drills

Ø  Vehicle movement: starting, steering, and stopping.

Ø  Pedal control

Ø  Speed control

Ø  Vision

Ø  Shoulder checks

Ø  Steering input-hand over hand/ push-pull

Ø  Large turns- Lt and Rt

Ø  Figure8s

20 min.

Ø  Light Traffic Drills

Lane positioning

Ø  Center of lane

Ø  Lt and Rt turns- from stops signs

Ø  Lt and Rt turns- at traffic lights

Ø  Rt on red light

Ø  Stop position at stop signs and at signals Curbside parking 2 point turns 3 point turns U-turns

Curbside parking

Ø  2 point turns

Ø  3 point turns

Ø  U-turns

60 min.












20 min.



2 Hours.

Session 2



Ø  Moderate Traffic Drills

Review from Session 1

Ø  Lt and Rt turns in light traffic.

Ø  Complete any missed aspects of Session 1

Lane changes

Ø  Lt and Rt turns in moderate to heavy traffic areas

Ø  Proper lane positioning around multi lane turns

Ø  Following distance – 2 second rule

Intro to Highway driving and speed

10 min.





90 min.




20 min.



2 Hours.

Session 3



Ø  Moderate to Heavy Traffic

Review from Session 2

Ø  Lt and Rt turns

Ø  Lane changes

Ø  Complete any missed aspects of Session 2

30 min.

Ø  Highway Speed

Primary and Secondary roadway procedures

Ø  On ramps

Ø  Exist ramps

Entrance and exist speeds – ensure student enters and exits at proper highway speeds

Ø  Speed control – vehicle reactions

Ø  Lane positioning p- centre of lane

Ø  Following distance at speed – 3 second rule

Ø  Passing procedures – if applicable

Ø  Lane change at speed

Ø  Rumble strips- if available

Shoulder recovery – discuss and remind only.

Introduction to reverse parking – if time allows

90 min



2 Hours.

Session 4



Ø  Review of Material

Review all material from Session 1, 2, 3


Review should be in area where student will be doing the Road Test if possible. Avoid coaching and emphasize correction rather than teaching.


Ensure student understands:


Ø  Defensive driving

Ø  Speed control

Ø  Reading intersections and traffic signals

Ø  Right of way protocols

Ø  Anticipation of changing traffic behaviours


Reverse Parking – Ensure student knows proper technique, proper correction technique, and can employ those techniques.


Explain testing procedures to student and explain role of examiner. Take student through the “TRICKY” traffic patterns that are likely to be an issue for the student.

120 min



 2 Hours.

Session 5



Ø  Test preparation

Ensure vehicle is compliant with safety requirements for

Road Test:

Ø  headlights – low and high beam

Ø  brake and tall lights

Ø  turn signals

Ø  horn

Ensure student knows hand signals


Review material covered in previous sessions. Ensure student can make appropriate decisions in traffic. Drive through areas where testing will be done and ensure that “TRICKY” traffic patterns are covered.

10 mins.











90 mins.

Ø  Check in for Road Test

Ensure student is at location a minimum of 15 minutes prior to scheduled test time.


Ensure applicable paperwork is available to examiner:


Ø  Student’s Learner Licence

Ø  Certificate of Driver Training Course completion

Ø  Vehicle registration and insurance

20 mins.

Ø  Road Test

Ensure you are on the premises when the student returns from the Road Test.

Ø  Offer congratulations / condolences as applicable.

Ø  Offer further training if required, Inform student to contact office as required.


Inform student that official certificate will be Processed through the office and should arrive in the mail the following week. Tell them to contact the office if there is any change of address and advise them to keep the certificate in a safe place – they will need it to get the “N” off their licence.

30 mins.



2.5 Hours.



Who Needs Private Driving Classes ?


Our Driving Classes come to the rescue if and when You:

  • Require Extra help to comfortably drive.
  • Be able to Drive in Winter Conditions.
  • Are New to the Area and wish to go through the rules and regulations of the area and locality.
  • Are International Driver looking for local Driver’s Lesson and want support preparing for the test.
  • Physician Requires to retest your driving skills after Injury / Health Scare.
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